(Blog) Pride Story Soon!
Here's a taste! Working on the story and pics as we speak. Probably going to have one short diary, then a straight soap box piece,...

(Blog) Zombie Prom Story Tentatively Cancelled!
Under the circumstances of new school, brief writer's block, and... frankly, bad pictures. There won't be a Zombie Prom story, at least...

(Blog) A Note Concerning All Pride/Pride Fest/Parade Pictures
First thing's first! I'm going to hold off on the Pride Fest article/diary until the Pride Parade on the 28th. Work load is kind of...

The Affluent Rave / Applied Anthropology
The Affluent Rave / Applied Anthropology story is up!! Yes. They got combined into one story, and it's... well, pretty damn long. But I'm...

(Blog) More Stories Soon!
So, I'm working on two more Spring Awakening stories for sure. Probably won't see them today, but stay tuned this week! The first will...

(Story) Photo Diary: #SAMF
After a bit of work, and notably no editing on the writing... The first photo diary from Spring Awakening is up! Click here to find it!...